Mainstream media is Wrong: CO₂ and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are NOT the primary drivers of Global Warming

The mainstream scientific consensus is WRONG — it holds that CO₂ and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary drivers of global warming. Researchers and free Scientist argue compellingly and well that natural factors such as solar cycles, cosmic rays, and ocean currents play a more significant role. Below are scientific arguments and studies that question the dominant CO₂-driven global warming theory.

This is very important to correct because this incorrect understanding of the drivers of climate change – and the direction toward cooler rather than warmer temperatures – is leading many nations and States within the USA to invest in the wrong sources of electrical power generation. An incorrect investment in energy resources is damaging to future economic growth and stability and quality of life. This must be corrected.

1. Climate History Suggests CO₂ Does Not Drive Temperature

  • Ice Core Data (Vostok & Dome C, Antarctica)
    • Studies of past climate cycles (glacial and interglacial periods) show that CO₂ levels lag behind temperature changes by 600-1,000 years.
    • This suggests that temperature increases cause CO₂ levels to rise (due to ocean outgassing), rather than the reverse.
    • Source: Petit et al. (1999), Nature
  • Medieval Warm Period (MWP, ~950-1250 AD) and Little Ice Age (LIA, ~1300-1850 AD)
    • The MWP was as warm or warmer than today, yet CO₂ levels were far lower (~280 ppm vs. ~420 ppm today).
    • The LIA saw cooling despite stable CO₂ levels.
    • This suggests that natural factors (solar activity, ocean currents) drive climate change more than CO₂.
    • Source: Loehle & McCulloch (2008), Energy & Environment

2. Solar Activity Correlates Better with Temperature Than CO₂

  • Zarkova et al. (2015, 2019)
    • Found that solar cycles, particularly the Gleissberg (~88 years), Suess (~210 years), and Hallstatt (~2,200 years) cycles, strongly correlate with climate shifts.
    • The Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) predicts a period of cooling (2020-2053) due to reduced solar activity.
    • Suggests CO₂ does not drive climate change; the Sun does.
    • Source: Zharkova et al. (2019), Scientific Reports
  • Svensmark Hypothesis (1997, 2007) – Cosmic Rays and Cloud Formation
    • Cosmic rays (modulated by solar activity) influence cloud cover.
    • High solar activity = fewer cosmic rays, less cloud cover, and warming.
    • Low solar activity = more cosmic rays, more cloud cover, and cooling.
    • Source: Svensmark et al. (2007), Royal Astronomical Society

3. Climate Models Overestimate Warming

  • Models Predict More Warming Than Observed
    • Many climate models run “hot,” predicting more warming than has actually occurred.
    • John Christy & Roy Spencer (University of Alabama, Huntsville) analyzed satellite data and found that global temperatures have risen at half the rate predicted by models.
    • Source: Christy & McNider (2017), Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology
  • No Hot Spot in the Troposphere (Predicted by CO₂ Theory)
    • Climate models predict a “hot spot” in the tropical troposphere due to CO₂-driven warming.
    • Satellite and weather balloon data do not show this hot spot, contradicting model predictions.
    • Source: Douglass et al. (2007), International Journal of Climatology

4. CO₂ is a Weak Greenhouse Gas Compared to Water Vapor

  • CO₂ Absorbs Infrared Radiation, But Its Effect Saturates
    • At current CO₂ levels (~420 ppm), the greenhouse effect is already near saturation, meaning additional CO₂ has a diminishing effect on temperature.
    • Water vapor (H₂O) is 95% of the greenhouse effect, while CO₂ contributes only ~3-5%.
    • Source: Happer & van Wijngaarden (2020), Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
  • Water Vapor Feedback is Overestimated in Models
    • Climate models assume that higher CO₂ will increase water vapor, amplifying warming.
    • Observations do not confirm this – cloud cover and water vapor vary unpredictably.
    • Source: Lindzen & Choi (2009), Geophysical Research Letters

5. Past Climate Changes Occurred Without CO₂ Changes

  • During the last Ice Age (~20,000 years ago), CO₂ was as low as 180 ppm, yet the Earth warmed naturally as the Ice Age ended.
  • The Younger Dryas Cooling Event (12,900 years ago) saw rapid cooling within decades, with no significant CO₂ changes.
  • Roman & Medieval Warm Periods (~2,000-1,000 years ago) occurred when CO₂ was far lower than today.
  • Source: Gerard Bond et al. (2001), Science

6. Ocean Cycles Drive Climate More Than CO₂

  • Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) & Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)
    • These ocean cycles shift between warm and cool phases every 30-60 years, influencing global temperatures.
    • The 1976-1998 warming coincided with a warm PDO phase.
    • The 2000s “pause” in warming occurred as the PDO shifted to a cool phase.
    • Source: McLean et al. (2018), Climate


The dominant theory that CO₂ is the main driver of global warming is WRONG. That is bad “science” and is challenged by multiple lines of scientific evidence, including:

  • Historical temperature records showing CO₂ lags temperature.
  • Solar activity and cosmic rays correlating better with temperature than CO₂.
  • Climate models overestimating warming and failing to predict real-world trends.
  • Water vapor and ocean cycles playing a larger role in temperature regulation.

This does not mean CO₂ has no effect, but that natural climate forces are far stronger than CO₂ alone.

This reality has important implications for choosing energy production sources for the future. And it screams out the importance of better education and information to the populace. Bad “science” harms humanity’s future. CO2 global warming “science” is BAD science and needs to be corrected.

Reference Article:

The Coming Climate and Best Energy Source Choices


Alternative Press